Monthly Archives: February 2011

Quote For Torsdag

Generally speaking, a howling wilderness does not howl: it is the imagination of the traveler that does the howling.

Henry David Thoreau

April’s New Digs

Well let me tell you it is just a bit surreal to move your wife out of the home when you are more in love than ever, but that is exactly what I have done. Work has taken April on the road and she is living physically independently right now. She spent 3 weeks living out of the Lakeview Motel (no link). It was across the hi-way from the Lake Mich shoreline, which was cool.

Her room was reserved beyond the 13th so we spent this Sunday past, driving around w/ the van and car loaded down hoping to have residence by nightfall. April had looked at a farmhouse apartment Sat afternoon but it was under renovation and not intended to be rented till next year. She had an appointment to see a main st apt w/ a friend from work on Sunday at 3pm, intending to share the 375 rent.

As we pulled up a man unlocking a door asked if we were there about the apt. “Yes, I am April”. He informs us that he just left a message w/ her friend stating that he had just rented to a guy on a one year contract. The girls wanted it for about 4 months. Smart business, shitty personal relations. April had a gut feeling on Sat that she should have just taken the farm apt. No negative vibes, we simply drove out to the farm, Gordon’s place.

He wasn’t home but had told April that if we did come just go on in. There were mountains of carpet and backing in every room except the one that was being sheet rocked.  Assorted tools, new window blinds, ceiling fan parts, sheet rock debris, general dirt and mess everywhere. Gordon had told April how he would arrange it quickly if she were to hold interest. I moved stuff around so as not to be in his way finishing the one room and still out of April’s main path. She meanwhile cleaned the fridge, kitchen, bathroom, unpacked. When Gordon arrived we had her pretty much moved in and the place looking decent. He is a great guy and he and I spent time together Monday cutting fire wood and Menards shopping for items related to the apt. It seems no matter where she lives I gotta heat her ass:-)

Dylan would like it there, he has cows. Also horses and five dogs. So naturally he had no problem w/ Mojo staying for a couple of nights. Mojo wanted to learn about the cows but rather ended up learning the intricacies of electrified fencing. Never went back to sniff a cow. 🙂

It is a gig she started to pursue last summer but opted out do to logistics. She wanted to be at home, close to family and grandkids, not 200 miles away. A few weeks ago she got an offer to work there. This time we were/are broke enough that there was no considering logistics. Go where the money is. Bonus is that it is on Lake Michigan. Exactly where we want to be right now. See this is the year we splash Gone and plan to be on the lake as much as possible. Still looking into marinas in her area but cost is looking prohibitive so we may end up meeting in Milwaukee when she gets a chance.

In the mean time I believe she has a good place to live w/ the benefit of Gordon’s local knowledge which at times can be invaluable.

Quote for Torsdag

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.

Henry David Thoreau

Inspiration Baby

Check this out!!

April and I were just Sunday discussing snorkel vs scuba. This is a great example of what is possible w/ snorkeling minus all the equipment needed for scuba. Also a great photo shoot. Thanks for keeping the inspiration flowing S/V Veranda.

I think I could be pretty satisfied snorkeling about.

Quote For Torsdag-If You Love Something

If you love something, set it free,

if it comes back to you, it is yours,

if it doesn’t,

track it down and blow its head off 🙂